Bespoke Women Tailors
Most women living and working in Islamabad will agree that there has for a long time been a gaping hole in the western wear womens market. We at Bespoke Tailors know that there is a huge demand for high quality, well fitting work, casual and eveningwear. Having a garment custom made espiacally for you is a real treat and one that every woman espiacally in terms of western wear should experience.
Whatever garment you require whether it’s a business suit, coat, evening dress etc our womens team will advise you as to the best quality fabric and design. We stock a wide range of fabrics with the onus on quality fabrics, chameuse silks in beautiful colours, chiffons, crepe silks, cashmere wool, worsted wool fabrics in feminine colours
Bespoke Gallery for Women
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The Benefits of Bespoke
Having a garment custom made means that you can use a high qulaity fabric that will give you years of wear, a classic design that you know suits you in your favourite colour. For business /professional women that quality suit will speak volumes as to your sense of style and Also the majority of women will have the perfect suit or dress already in their wardrobes one that they wish they had bought half a dozen of in different colours, here at Bespoke for Women we can replicate any ‘perfect’ garment already in your wardrobe in a new a fabric.
Our day /evening dresses are made in the softest silks, satins, chiffons and crepes. For each dress we make a voile sample in order to ensure that the fitting etc is precise before we cut into the expensive material. The purpose of the toile fittings is to allow tweaking of the design not only to fit and contour your body shape with complete perfection, but to also adjust the visual geomentry of the garment to flatter you from every angle.
Fitting / Measurements
When ordering a fully bespoke suit you will be measured in great detail taking into account all the idiosyncrasies of your posture. You will be measured by a bespoke tailor master who has years of experience. It’s important that the person measuring you is the same person who will be doing the cutting.He will need to see a picture of you in his mind whilst he analyses the measurements and creates a unique pattern for you and therefore photographs of each client are taken.
The suit is then hand cut to your specific measurements and hand stitched up to the ‘baste’ stage. This stage is what makes a bespoke suit bespoke.
A baste is a half-made suit that is not properly finished and only temporarily held together with white baste stiching. This allows it to be easily taken apart and remade.